Friday, June 20, 2014

What’s happening at camp next week:

Dear Parents,
Week 2 has been fantastic! Camp is full of smiling faces, lots of spirit and so much dancing! We had a great time with the Tzofim Friendship Caravan on Monday, and Tuesday our counselors did a flash mob at lunch. The ‘Happy’ line dance was a huge hit, and our campers have been doing it all week. We are looking forward to Week 3 and another wonderful week at MJCC Day Camp!

If this is your first week of camp, check out our Monday blog post with everything you need to know about your first day!  (click here)

What’s happening at camp next week:
Weekly Value: Khaverut (Friendship)
  • Monday:
    • Sabra Program Leaves for Sabra
  • Tuesday
    • Backwards Day Wear your regular clothes, but backwards!
  • Wednesday
    • Western Dress-up Day!
  • Thursday
    • Osher, Paeel, and Chofshee Field Trips
    • Paeel Overnight
  • Friday
    • Camp Cookout Hot Dog Cookout with chips and popsicles!
    • Sabra Program Returns
Don’t forget to look at our blog to see what our groups have been up to this week!
Yofi 1
Yofi 2
Yofi 3
Osher 1
Osher 2
Osher 3
Paeel 1
Paeel 2
Soccer Aleph
Soccer Bet

Shabbat Shalom!

Sophie Samuels
Camp, Youth and Family Services Director

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