Thursday, June 19, 2014

So far in Adventure Camp we have been everywhere from Laser Quest to the Botanic Gardens!  Today we went to the Memphis Zoo.  We enjoyed strolling through the zoo looking at all the animals. We also enjoyed an extended free swim which was a great way to cool off after our warm field trip. We are busy preparing our cheer for tomorrow’s cheer-off and can’t wait to hopefully win the spirit stick!

Today was an awesome day for Yofi-2! We took our first field trip of the summer to the Zoo with all of our Yofi friends. We saw lions, tigers, gorillas, and many more animals.  We then had fun in the sun during free swim, which is many of our campers favorite part of the day. Yofi-2 has worked on a cool project in art with Ms. Amy involving ink droplets in water. Today was a great day and we cannot wait for tomorrow and our cheer off in the morning. 

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